免運優惠全館消費|超取滿$1,500/宅配滿$2,500 免運



This gift box is a rope-type gift box, no additional paper bag is attached

Egg Yolk Crisp 传统蛋黄酥 6 pcs/box(約SGD27/MYR90)

( 瀏覽次數: 13264 )
  • [Storage period] 25~30 days at room temperature
$619 $650

【Product Content】egg yolk crisp 6 pcs/box
【Storage period】25~30 days at room temperature

Slowly boiled fragrant bean paste and whole fresh salted duck egg, unforgettable classic taste

|赏味期限|Best Before












【Product Content】egg yolk crisp 6 pcs/box
【Storage period】25~30 days at room temperature

Slowly boiled fragrant bean paste and whole fresh salted duck egg, unforgettable classic taste
